Project: Lake Mills Wildlife Area
County: Jefferson
Project Start Date: 09/24/2017
Project End Date: 09/24/2017
On Sunday September 24th, in the full furnace blast of a fall heat wave, WWA volunteers Ron Churchill, Anne Churchill, Chris Scheder and
Mike Alaimo completed two projects at the Lake Mills/Zeloski Marsh Wildlife Area. New Duck ID signage was installed at the London Road access to Zeloski Marsh and boardwalk repairs were started at the Mud Lake Unit. The final hours and donations helped close WWA’s annual report with the DNR at 91 hours of the 100 hour contracted, which was offset with approximately $900 in materials donated to the Lake Mills Wildlife Area.
A big thanks goes out to all the volunteers that helped to make this AWA a success in its first contract year. Most notably, TJ Schnulle put in over one third of the hours himself with the previously reported osprey and wood duck/mallard tube projects.