By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s October Newsletter edition.
My new mud motor finally arrived – and I’m itching to hang it on the back of my duck boat – but here I am, days into the season, and there it sits. In a box. Nowhere near my skiff. Or the marsh. I’m hoping Thursday’s the day, and that I can break it in this weekend. I’ll share pics on Facebook.
I absolutely MUST make time to waterfowl this week… but it’s going to be tough. In part, because there’s an amazing amount of things WWA is keeping me busy with! Here’s what I’ve been working on recently:
- Writing articles for Badger Sportsman on Duck ID and how to stay out of trouble with the wardens this fall when eclipse plumage makes some species of ducks look all-too-similar. And check out Warden Nate Ackerman’s identification guidance, too, where he offers some really great resources for your ID issues afield!
- Filming a video targeting the unique role WIWaterfowlers have in preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). Check out this link to a preview of coming attractions! And then read up on a particularly nettlesome AIS – common phragmites – in our AIS Spotlight, by Chris Acy.
- Working with new DNR wardens before opening day to make sure they are competent and comfortable engaging WIWaterfowlers out in the marsh. Check out one of the photos from my day playing a violator at Wisconsin Conservation Warden’s Waterfowl School here.
- Understanding how to present the proposed duck zone options for the upcoming re-alignment that occurs every 5 years. Check out my recent article on the opinions of your fellow WIWaterfowlers on the current zones and then read President Urben’s article on the 8 proposed zones (& then be sure to take the survey giving us your opinion on your top zone picks!).
- Reviewing DNR data on the duck stamp fund to understand better how the monies are spent to the benefit of WIWaterfowlers.
- And many more items, from coordinating a membership drive so we can build WWA’s ability to advocate more powerfully for WIWaterfowlers, to hiring a replacement for our own Tom Seibert as he retires this year.
All really good, exciting and rewarding work. But, I still have to get out duck hunting this week!
Don’t feel too badly for me (as if you were!). Last week I came back from my annual “hunt” on Cape Cod – chasing striped bass with a fly rod – what a great experience! Glad to share stories with any would-be striper anglers out there! See you on the marsh, be safe, and remember to respect our sport!
And if you see this rig, with a new mud motor on the back at the local launch, mosey on over and let’s chat about what WWA can do for you!