WWA Celebrates, Well… WWA!

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February 2024 Newsletter edition.

The annual meeting saw a small but enthusiastic and well-fed crowd to hear about what WWA did in 2023, its plans for ’24, and to recognize the volunteer efforts that make it all possible.  After each section is a link to the annual meeting presentation for that topic

First, WWA is financially sound.  This is important to our expanding effectiveness and allows us to “front” funding for initiatives like our learn-to-hunt efforts, our public lands ecologist program, and upcoming, our expanded public lands program with the NRCS.  We invested more non-grant funds on our programs than ever before; we are investing more where it makes the most impact.  While WWA does not have deep pockets, we are using what we do have to pretty good effect. Check out the 2023 Financials presentation.

Second, our biologist staff is stronger than ever, with three ecologists establishing a new WWA high water mark in wetland restoration staffing (you see what I did there?).  It was a good year for actual restorations too! Check out the 2023 Habitat presentation.

Third, throughput of our learn-to-hunt programs has doubled, and we’ve tripled the number of events, including a by women, for women event.  View the 2023 Education presentation.

Fourth, we are increasingly respected as the waterfowler’s voice in Madison.  Our thoughtful, science-informed sandhill crane education efforts are paying off with legislators. Beyond this topic, our opinion is increasingly being actively sought by legislators and staff on topics of importance to the state’s waterfowlers: 2023 Policy presentation

Fifth, the Waterfowl Hunters EXPO exceeds our expectations for growth in virtually every metric: attendance, seminars, vendors, profitability: 2023 EXPO

Most importantly, our active and creative volunteers fund WWA and personally advance our many initiatives. If you are a member of WWA, you can be justifiably proud of the support you are providing this organization, which is hitting above its weight on behalf of state waterfowlers.  Thank you!!