By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2021 Newsletter edition.
It is always difficult to narrow the candidates down to a single WWA Volunteer of the Year – and this year it was impossible. Both Jim Freck (Cedar Creek) and Ian Bartelmez (West Allis) were able to balance the state-level activities associated with their Director duties, while also planning/leading events that made their super goals at their chapter levels.
Under Jim’s leadership, the Board’s Habitat Committee (just started last year), has identified and prioritized issues that WWA must address to have more state-wide impact, and has begun to find and marshal the necessary energy to implement them. Although it’s still a work in progress, the committee has established goals that will guide their efforts this year. Jim also led the committee’s Ozaukee County shoot – and knocked it out of the park with record attendance and financial results. That might be enough for most people, but Jim kept it going with his Adopt a Wildlife Area (AWA) work with fellow board and committee member, Mike Depies, and the rest of the area’s volunteers at Jackson Marsh, seen in this picture, clearing log jams from his chapter’s namesake, Cedar Creek. And in his spare time, Jim shares unique beers and his award-winning home-brews with the Executive Director.
Ian, when he’s not on over-the-road duty somewhere in the Midwest, is a regular presence at WWA events. As a director, he is a vocal advocate for grassroots issues at the state-level board, and filled in when Education committee leadership was needed. He is a strong member of his rising star chapter, and also drives his chapter’s AWA efforts at Big Muskego. Ian managed the State Shoot with his chapter to a record-breaking result. And, let’s not forget his better half. Leanna, Ian’s alter-ego at these events, makes sure the chapter’s events are appealing and attractive, raffle’s results are tabulated and the books balance at the end of the night. Kind of a two-fer! Ian is also an active, charter member of WWA’s Facebook team (which is at its highest level ever, and growing). Ian also ran (or was part of the brain trust for) a number of very successful Class A’s last year. His industry connections help WWA turn merchandise into important revenue. And in his spare time, Ian challenges the Executive Director to think out of the box.
Pretty impressive, right?! And besides these remarkable accomplishments, both Ian and Jim have always found time to help out at other chapter events. And both of them found ways to help smooth out the Regional Director transitions we’ve went through in 2020 – be it inventory re-stocking, event set-up, or raffle brainstorming. These guys didn’t need to be asked, they just saw a need and jumped in – and by doing so, they have made themselves indispensable to WWA and very worthy of this significant recognition