Waterfowlers Taking Action Against Invasives

Boot cleaning station placed by WWA in May of 2019

By Jeanne Scherer, UW Madison-Division of Extension Natural Resources Institute, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist

Over the years, waterfowl hunters across the state have been one of the keys to successfully slowing the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) where they hunt.

Wisconsin Waterfowl Association has been a valued partner to our state’s Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention program, working closely with UW Madison-Extension, WDNR and members of the WI AIS Partnership Network. With your help we put out cleaning stations for waders and gear and get the Stop the Spread! (STS!) word out through video and signage.

Five years ago, direct outreach to waterfowl hunters at river, lake and wetland access points began. The goal is to make sure the hunters understand the key prevent rule (NR40) that requires everyone to clean off their boat and gear to the best of their ability and to drain all water before leaving. At the time, research had shown that many hunters were aware of the rule, but not that it applied to their sport. Each waterfowl hunting season, members of the AIS Partnership visit the access points, providing information and small boot brushes, bird bands, handouts and camo boat towels. Each item carries the STS! logo as a reminder.

Of course, 2020 is a year like no other. Although some partners will be at launches again, many will not due to general caution, lack of staff or local restrictions, all due to COVID-19. The WDNR has asked us not to hand out the STS! items.

Your members make up our most knowledgeable group of hunters when it comes to the AIS rule and its importance. However, there are still hunters who aren’t aware, particularly newer hunters. You can help share the message as simply as pointing out a handy boot brush station to someone with mud caked waders, or offering to grab a dangling plant off a trailer.

Not really sure you do have it all down yet? NO PROBLEM. Check out the video made just for waterfowlers by Bruce Ross of WWA and Chris Hamerla, a hunter and AIS Coordinator from Golden Sands RC&D.

Interested in any of the towels (bags of 30), small boot brushes or brochures for your local chapter? They are free and can be shipped for you to distribute. Contact DNRAISinfo@wisconsin.gov to order or with any other questions.


  • Inspect waders, boats, trailers, motors and hunting equipment, including boots, blinds, and dogs
  • Remove all plants, animals, and mud to the best of your ability
  • Drain all water from decoys, boats, motors, livewells and other hunting equipment
  • Never move plants or live fish away from a waterbody
  • A special consideration for waterfowl hunters is to remove all seedheads and roots when using vegetation for duck blinds. It is important to note that it is illegal to use phragmites/common reed in counties where the plant is listed as prohibited by NR40. In general, these counties include the western half of Wisconsin.