Education Committee Needs Your Help

By Bruce Urben, President

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s November, 2020 Volunteer Newsletter edition.

Your Board of Directors reorganized into committees over a year ago to provide better programming, opportunities and implementation in several crucial areas. The Board has given more authority to our committees to develop and implement action plans approved by the Board. We are in the infant stages of rolling this out in year two after a difficult 2020, navigating through the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Education Committee has developed a number of activities they would like to implement in 2021. These include:

If any of these activities interest you, or you are willing to donate your time and talents to assist with planning or implementation, we could surely use your help.

Education is an important part of our mission at WWA and has a positive effect on youth and adults in Wisconsin. You can make a difference!

Please contact myself (Bruce Urben), 920-660-2773 or or Dennis Nelson at 608-799-5909 or for more information.

Hope to talk to you soon.