Difference Makers Wanted

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bruceross@wi.rr.com

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s December, 2020 Newsletter edition.

Board of DirectorsWWA is looking for bona fide leaders willing to roll up their sleeves on behalf of our state’s waterfowlers.  We are seeking Directors to guide and implement WWA’s efforts in Habitat, Policy, Education, Membership and Marketing at the state level.  We have specific openings in the following committees; leadership opportunities abound:

  • Habitat: Expanding and supporting our various Adopt-a-Wildlife Area programs throughout the state; developing a program to increase the number of wetland restoration projects in prime Wisconsin habitat zones.
  • Policy: Developing a grassroots effort to bring the full-weight of WWA membership to bear on legislative and regulatory issues of importance to state waterfowlers.
  • Education: Coordinating – with an eye to expanding – WWA learn-to-hunts and  mentoring opportunities around the state.
  • Membership: Growing chapters and members around the state to to allow WWA to better represent all of the state’s waterfowlers.
  • Marketing: Working with corporations, businesses and the waterfowling industry to develop mutually beneficial partnerships with WWA.

Are you up for this challenge? Or know someone who may be?  Let’s talk about the possibilities of a nomination to the WWA Board of Directors.  Candidates do not need to have chapter experience to apply. Feel free to give me a call (262.224.4949) or drop me an email to discuss. Applications are now being accepted through January 12, 2021 and you can nominate yourself or another via this link.