Hail and Farewell

2022 Board of Director Changes

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2022 Newsletter edition.

WWA volunteers Al Klug (in the water) and Jim Freck place wood duck boxes at Jackson Marsh

As is typical with the beginning of the new year, there are a few changes on the WWA Board of Directors.  We are saddened to see long-time Director Jim Freck depart the board as his term expires.  A Director for three and a half years, Jim has been a chapter leader (Cedar Creek Chapter) even as he led the state level Habitat Committee from its inception two years ago until now.  If you have started new initiatives, you appreciate that it takes a balance of patience, energy, and time to get something like this off the ground, and Jim has more than moved the needle for us.  His significant and long-sustained impact was recognized as Volunteer of the Year in 2021.  Jim has committed to playing a very active role, moving forward with the committee and the chapter, even as he hands over the reigns. Thank you, Jim!

At our February annual meeting, we will also recognize new director, B.J. Grassmann, recently elected to the Board of Directors.  B.J. has been volunteering with WWA for a couple of years at the state level, with the idea that if we can identify more possible habitat projects, we will have a greater landscape level impact.  B.J. will be taking over Jim’s role as chairman of the Habitat Committee.  Welcome aboard, B.J.!

In other director news, Ian Bartelmez was re-elected to the Board.  Ian’s work at the chapter level and on the Board of Directors was recognized last year when he was awarded volunteer of the year honors at the annual meeting held in Oshkosh.  Ian is working on the Marketing and Membership Committee.  I’m glad we’re keeping Ian’s unique brand of energy working for WWA!

B.J. and Ian will round out a powerhouse board; here’s the list of 2022 directors.   You can work with them – even if you’re not a director – by volunteering on a committee.  Let me know if that’s of any interest by emailing me at bross@wisducks.org.