Braden Meyer Earns Eagle Scout Badge

Braden Meyer, placing Back Tern platforms in April 2021

By Mike Alaimo, Waukesha Chapter Chair & Lead Adopt a Wildlife Area Volunteer

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2022 Newsletter edition.

Last April we shared with you the story of Braden Meyer, who, along with his eagle scout support team, successfully put in five nesting platforms for Black Terns in the Cedarburg Bog.

We’re excited to report that on January 30, 2022, Braden Meyer of Troop 840 in Grafton received the rank of Eagle Scout.  As part of the requirements, Braden had to organize and lead an Eagle Scout Project.  His project was the building, deploying and monitoring Black Tern nesting platforms at Mud Lake (Cedarbrug Bog), which were modeled after WWA efforts at Rome Pond. Congrats to Braden on this great accomplishment!