By Bruce Urben, WWA President
This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s August, 2022 Newsletter edition.
It’s only 42 days to early goose and early teal season in Wisconsin as I write this message, but who is counting.
Where did the summer go? We all had big plans for the “summer”, but once it arrived it turns into a hectic scurry! Kid’s sports, weddings, graduations, class reunions, golfing, fishing, camping trips and also some of those WWA fundraising events. And work. How did I forget work?

A dedicated volunteer from our Valley chapter working to clean out a wood duck box on a cold March weekend on Lake Poygan.
How do we do it? It seems that most of what we plan for summer never gets done or gets interrupted. It comes down to priorities and what we make of it.
My message this month is a heartfelt “THANK YOU” to all of our WWA volunteers who give up many days over the summer to staff, coordinate or attend our fund raising events. Golf outings, shoots, Bashes, banquets, Learn to Hunts and the Expo’s are just a few of the events we rely on this dedicated group for.
Without your time and energy we could not hold these events, but you are always there. Be it a weekend, a week day or an evening, our volunteers are there to make a difference, and believe me you do. For some it is a priority, others it’s just part of their yearly planning, but to all its their passion to give back to our waterfowl and our wetland resources in Wisconsin. Many show up with the whole family in tow, to volunteer their time and resources.
I know that National Recognition Day is celebrated April 14th, but for Wisconsin Waterfowl Association it should be celebrated every day!
Here is our recognition to all of our volunteers who give selflessly to benefit the lives of others and our Natural Resources in Wisconsin.