Thirty Days and a Wakeup

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s August, 2022 Newsletter edition.

With only 30 days until we’re waterfowling again, here are some activities to help you be more successful this season.

Know what to expect this fall.   The DNR has just released its breeding counts for 2022 and the results are pretty good—we should have more ducks and geese looking over our decoys this fall.  Check out the report here.  Got questions?  Attend the Waterfowl Hunter’s EXPO on 27 August for a forum with the leaders from the state’s duck organizations (DNR, WWA, DU, DELTA) sharing what’s new in their world.

Talk more like a duck (or goose).  Practicing while you’re driving is a time-tested approach, but only perfect practice makes perfect, right? The EXPO in Oshkosh features several ways you can make your practice more perfect:  (1) Barnie Calef, three time world duck caller is offering a seminar in being a better caller; (2) The Fowl Life is hosting a calling clinic for duck and goose; and (3) WWA is hosting the state Duck and Goose calling contests where you can hear the routines of some of the best blowers in Wisconsin.

Learn some neat dog-handling tips.  The EXPO will feature three different dog gurus: Josh Miller, Justin VandeHey, Jeremy Moore, who can give you some tips on making your time afield with your pup more enjoyable.  Josh (River Stone Kennels) on the main stage and outdoors will  focus on the issues attendees want to discuss, so bring your best questions.  Jeremy (Dog Bone) and Justin  (Cooperstown Kennels) in two outdoor seminars each bring different perspectives to helping you and your pup have a relationship that satisfies both of you.  And just for fun (and cash prizes!) you can test your dog’s retrieving speed against the crowd – no professionals!

Do your last-minute shopping (or selling).  With over a hundred booths of vendors and information providers to browse when you’re not at a seminar, it’s an event where that last “must-have” item can be added to your arsenal.  And we’ll be supporting a swap meet as well; do you really need those decoys that have been sitting in storage for the past five years?

Learn to better prepare your game for table. Nationally renowned Fowl Life is going to share some recipe tips on making your duck and goose dishes nationally renowned!

Try out a new shotgun.  Maybe it’s the old shotgun that’s reducing your hit rate?!  Check out the latest offerings at our shooting range for just a nominal price of $5 (I’m not sure we’re even covering the cost of shells at that price!).

Get some neat ideas for your duck rig—or win some prizes.  We will have a “show-off-your-rig” contest, and all sorts of amazing raffle prizes (including hunts, tools, decoys and more) at the EXPO to complete your gear needs.

The EXPO is a rain or shine event, with the vast majority of activities being held in the expanded Sunnyview EXPO center in Oshkosh.  There’s more to see and do at the EXPO this year than you’ll have time to do, including a national decoy carving contest and exhibition – remarkable art.  Speaking of art, the duck stamp art contest is being decided at the EXPO – come see the entries and winner.

Doors open at 8am and we are open ’til 5pm. $10 per adult, kids (and dogs) are free.  Bring your family for lots of family-friendly activities, including a youth zone, and don’t forget your dog (older than 6 months) on a leash.

All proceeds from this event will go towards sustaining the EXPO and funding academic and habitat issues important to the state’s waterfowlers.