Project: Rome Pond Wildlife Area
County: Jefferson
A “WWA F5 tornado” was spotted near the end of March during a volunteer and staff chainsaw safety training day at the Rome Pond Adopt A Wildlife Area (AWA). During the training day, trainees removed growth from the corner of the parking lot to the launch area at Rome Pond. Volunteers are now commenting on how much nicer the east side of the parking lot would look….perhaps this will be the next chainsaw project on the site?
The work performed was accomplished by WWA volunteers and a big thanks goes out to the WDNR for funding the training, as WWA volunteers, and Regional Director Tom Seibert, now have certified chain saw operators for our AWA areas.
The WWA volunteers were led by TJ Schnulle, Twin Rivers/Jefferson chapter volunteer who spearheaded the Lake Mills AWA, and trained in chainsaw safety by WDNR hired instructor Jim Olive of Chainsaw Safety Specialists LLC.
As part of the training, the volunteers received instruction in proper chainsaw use and techniques. Physical training was conducted on site at the Rome Pond Wildlife Area which has been adopted by the WWA in January of 2016. After the training, the volunteers continued supervised removal of brush and willow that were lining the lane to the north launch of Rome Pond. The 6 hours of instruction and continued field training helped to complete the project that day.
Every WWA volunteer walked away with invaluable instruction and a feeling of great accomplishment helping our state owned wildlife area.