By Bruce Ross, Executive Director
This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2025 Newsletter edition.
A few of our readers didn’t brave the cold to join us in Beaver Dam last month to gain the inside scoop. That’s OK! While you missed the local chapter’s “Breakfast for Dinner” culinary treats, here’s some information that should leave you pleased with the state and trajectory of your WWA.
- WWA continued to grow its impact in every program area that is important to state waterfowlers.
Our PLE program completed its first project on DNR lands at the Navarino Wildlife Area, and identified many more projects that will benefit the public lands hunter.
- And we have received over $2 million in habitat grants to make them a reality — three started this month alone!
- This includes a $1 million dollar grant-funded project that will result in over 5,000 acres of restored wetlands near Necedah, and several smaller projects around the state. (Did you know that WWA turned every dollar the DNR gave us for this program into $9.4 dollars this year? What a return on investment!!)
- Our private lands program continued restoring the lands of willing landowners that are important to breeding waterfowl.
- Our Waterfowlers Academy continued gaining traction, putting three dozen novice waterfowlers through their paces, including our innovative “for women, by women” program.
- The EXPO continued its remarkable growth, paving the way to expand to two days in 2025.
- We were the state’s strongest advocate in protection of hunter rights with our advancement of a responsible sandhill crane hunt through a legislative study committee that resulted in a draft bill that includes both agricultural relief and a hunt.
WWA’s financial picture has never looked better, with our strongest-ever balance sheet and diversified revenue streams.
- WWA maintained its highest ratings with the BBB and Charity Navigator.
This is just the tip of WWA’s iceberg. And you can accelerate this growth with your support. Let me know how you want to engage –