WWA Happenings

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s March, 2025 Newsletter edition.

Last month sustained the hectic pace WWA has established over the last couple of years.

  • The wetland scrape at Lunch Creek, which provided secondary fill material for the ditch, lies adjacent to forested wetland and upland prairie.

    Another Public Land restoration project was completed on Lunch Creek (White River Fishery Area) and we’re just about done with the much larger Peter Helland State Wildlife Area. Funds for these projects came from the Wisconsin State Waterfowl Stamp program, and additional funds from the Wetland General Permit (GP) Surcharge Restoration Program, but they would not have happened at all without your support!

  • Developed a survey to gain your preferences for the next revisions to the state’s duck hunting zone structure…. Don’t miss this opportunity to give us your two cents!
  • Engaged legislators and the Governor’s office on the proposed legislation from the Sandhill Crane study group. We’re pleased to report that the Joint Legislative Council passed the proposed legislation out of committee and now it will go to the appropriate Senate and Assembly committees.  Check out our new one-stop-shop webpage for SHC topics.
  • Continued to plan and grow the Waterfowl Hunters EXPO—we received a Department of Tourism marketing grant for $39,000 to help us reach new attendees for this expanded two day event…. 22nd and 23rd of August—make your plans now!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

We need your help to keep this ball rolling – consider volunteering or expanding your financial support where we will turn your dollar into two more dollars of impact on on the issues important to you.

Thank you for your continued support of WWA.


The State of the State’s Waterfowling Association

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2025 Newsletter edition.

A few of our readers didn’t brave the cold to join us in Beaver Dam last month to gain the inside scoop.  That’s OK!  While you missed the local chapter’s “Breakfast for Dinner” culinary treats, here’s some information that should leave you pleased with the state and trajectory of your WWA.

  • WWA continued to grow its impact in every program area that is important to state waterfowlers.
  • Our PLE program completed its first project on DNR lands at the Navarino Wildlife Area, and identified many more projects that will benefit the public lands hunter.
  • And we have received over $2 million in habitat grants to make them a reality — three started this month alone!
  • This includes a $1 million dollar grant-funded project that will result in over 5,000 acres of restored wetlands near Necedah, and several smaller projects around the state. (Did you know that WWA turned every dollar the DNR gave us for this program into $9.4 dollars this year?  What a return on investment!!)
  • Our private lands program continued restoring the lands of willing landowners that are important to breeding waterfowl.
  • Our Waterfowlers Academy continued gaining traction, putting three dozen novice waterfowlers through their paces, including our innovative “for women, by women” program.
  • The EXPO continued its remarkable growth, paving the way to expand to two days in 2025.
  • We were the state’s strongest advocate in protection of hunter rights with our advancement of a responsible sandhill crane hunt through a legislative study committee that resulted in a draft bill that includes both agricultural relief and a hunt.
  • WWA’s financial picture has never looked better, with our strongest-ever balance sheet and diversified revenue streams.
  • WWA maintained its highest ratings with the BBB and Charity Navigator.

This is just the tip of WWA’s iceberg.  And you can accelerate this growth with your support.  Let me know how you want to engage – bross@wisducks.org.

2024 Was a Pretty Good Year

2025 Looks Even Better

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s January, 2025 Newsletter edition.

2024 was WWA’s ruby anniversary – 40 years serving state waterfowlers!  And what a year it was, with WWA receiving continental,  national and statewide awards.  Particularly significant was the Blue-winged Teal Award from the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Council (i.e., the US Fish and Wildlife Service) who recognized WWA’s 40 years of sustained support of waterfowl.

WWA won the USFWS’ Blue Wing Teal Award in 2024

This would not have been possible without your support as a donor or as a volunteer – thank you.  Here’s what your support made in possible in 2024:

  • The first restoration project under our agreement with the DNR – a wetland restoration at Navarino Wildlife Areaand planned, permitted and contracted for thousands more acres in 2025.
  • Our growth of WWA’s Waterfowler Academy initiative to six  locations and 34 persons, including a focus on welcoming women into the waterfowling community.  
  • Our nesting box production of thousands of wood ducks.
  • Hundreds of acres of private land restorations and reviews to encourage landowner care for their owned wetlands.
  • Over $1 Million in new wetland restoration grants, for a total of $2M currently under WWA management.
  • Continued our wild rice re-seeding projects with nearly 1200 pounds of rice collected and re-seeded to produce tomorrow’s rice beds.
  • Expanded the Waterfowl Hunters EXPO with more seminars, vendors, and activities for the entire family – over 6,000 attended in 2024!
  • Protecting hunting rights and opportunities through the establishment of a legislative study committee to consider a sandhill crane hunting season.

… and much more!

I am proud of what we’ve done together – and there’s more ahead.  Want to help us?  Become a sustaining member, or even better, volunteer!

By the way, the Better Business Bureau and Charity Navigator believe we are good stewards of your funds, with their endorsements of WWA giving an accredited, max-star charity rating.

Thank you!  See you in the marsh,


2024: Pedal to the Metal – WWA’s Growing Impact

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s December, 2024 Newsletter edition.

Some of you might know that after high school, I went to the Coast Guard Academy to earn a Marine Science degree.  That combination of an environmental focus and service, chosen as a 17 year-old from the Jacques Cousteau era, shaped my life.

Dr. Sarah Orlofske, center, presents WWA Executive Director Bruce Ross (L) and President Bruce Urben (R) with the Blue-winged Teal Award

First, the importance of public service was driven home through 28 years of military service around the globe. And then, upon “retiring” to Wisconsin, my volunteer work with conservation organizations like Ducks Unlimited and the Friends of the Cedarburg Bog helped me see the opportunities that non-profits deliver.

My current work as an Ozaukee County supervisor on the Natural Resources Committee has kept me involved with local conservation efforts, and my role with WWA allows a state-wide perspective.

This 40+ year background provides the context for my observation that 2024 was a pretty big year for WWA.   In every single mission.  I encourage you to read the articles that look back over WWA’s 2024 accomplishments.

But don’t take my word for the growing impact of WWA… Three different organizations went out of their way to recognize WWA’s work in 2024:

  • Cyrus Hunter Baird, Senior Director of Government Affairs, Delta Waterfowl (R) presents Bruce Ross with its 2024 “Partner in Conservation” award this July

    The North American Waterfowl Management Plan committee of the USFWS presented WWA their international Blue-winged Teal Award in August

  • The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation handed us their conservation organization of the year award at their annual meeting in April. They also recognized Jessica and Ryan Peterson as “Teachers of the Year” for their development of WWA’s middle school science curriculum based on the phenology of Wisconsin Waterfowl
  • In July, Delta Waterfowl acknowledged WWA as its 2024 “Partner in Conservation” in Baton Rouge, LA

We need your help to keep the ball rolling!  It’s not false modesty to say that these accomplishments were possible only through the efforts of our volunteer team.  I hope you want to be a part of this crazily effective team—email me at bross@wisducks.org.

Rights and Obligations

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s November, 2024 Newsletter edition.

Three weeks ago, you got an email from us, asking that you reach out to the bi-partisan legislators sitting on the Sandhill Crane study committee that are considering whether a hunt is appropriate here in Wisconsin.  Over 2,000 of you responded!!!  

An additional 1000 or more emails came in from our partners like Delta Waterfowl, Safari Club International, Back Country Hunters and Anglers, and Wisconsin Wildlife Federation. (By the way, this volume of emails would not have been possible without technical support from our friends at Delta Waterfowl.)

Your emails flooded the inboxes of those legislators to let them know that you’re counting on them to follow the science, apply common sense, and uphold the state’s constitutional right to hunt by concluding that a sustainable and ethical sandhill crane hunt is justified.  This number of emails far, far, far surpasses the number of communications these offices routinely receive, on any topic.  Well done – your voice is heard.

Even if you never intend to hunt sandhill cranes, this is a hunting rights issue.

Hunters make up less than 10% of the Wisconsin population – a small minority – but carry a lion’s share of the conservation work and funding that have led to the recovery of migratory species like the crane.

Today’s hunting heritage includes the expectation that hunters “leave it better than they found it.”  And we do.

This obligation of shouldering a significant conservation burden is ours for life because we harvest a public resource. And with that obligation comes another: to protect this hunting heritage for the next generation. With our small numbers, we must continue to earn our conservation credibility every day with those who simply don’t understand today’s hunter conservationists… or our voice will be weakened and eventually stilled.

It is this hunting ethic that allowed Wisconsin’s right to hunt constitutional amendment to pass overwhelmingly in 2003 – over 82% of voters approved it.  While this certainly does not give hunters a free pass to shoot anything in sight, it’s a pretty high threshold for anti-hunters to overcome.  Especially for a game bird like the crane that is hunted in 18 other states, stands at twice its maximum population target, and whose numbers create significant agricultural damage. But that constitutional right doesn’t mean a thing if we are not defending it when it is challenged.

So when an organization trots out a poll (that they sponsored, designed, tabulated, and reported on) that says less than a majority of state residents support a crane hunt, we need to provide a context to those who don’t share our hunting ethic.  That what I hoped to do when I presented to the crane legislative study group last month.

I am personally sick that some non-hunting conservation groups are lined up against us on this crane hunting issue.  I reached out to their leaders several years ago to try to avoid this circular firing squad that only hurts our cooperation on bone fide conservation issues.

Especially since this is NOT a bird conservation issue. Those groups stood by for over a decade while 10,000+ cranes were killed and left to rot in agricultural fields – none stepped forward to help fund a seed treatment that could have saved many of those birds.  And despite these wasted birds and those that are hunted elsewhere, the population continued its historic rebound.

But now, let a sandhill crane hunt even be considered – with an annual harvest that would fall below the level of these depredation kills – and birding groups trip over themselves to protest. While no man can know another’s motivations, it’s not reasonable to believe bird conservation is at the heart of that protest.

I’m proud to be a hunter conservationist and helping to lead a coalition of like-minded organizations such as the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, Delta Waterfowl, Safari Club International, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers on this issue.  It will be a long road, but with your support, WWA will stay with it… respecting the science, following the data, and trusting the federal migratory bird managers who have allowed the crane to make its remarkable comeback.  And defending the constitutional respect your hunting heritage and conservation efforts have earned.

Thanks to you for your support, and special thanks to those who followed through on our invitation to reach out to the legislators.  As a mentor once told me, “if you don’t use your voice, you might as well not have one.”