Help Preserve a Lower Wisconsin River Wetland

By Peter Ziegler, Project Director – 262/470-4301

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s November 2021 Newsletter edition.

Ringelstetter Wetland: an opportunity to extend wildlife habitat at the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway.

Sometimes WWA comes across projects that serve a good purpose, but don’t quite fit into our programs.  Ringelstetter Wetland is one of those projects, and it is being pursued by another conservation partner.  We always feel it’s important to support directly, or provide what support we can, to other conservation partners doing good things for waterfowl and the Wisconsin Waterfowler.  The Dirftless Land Conservancy is trying to preserve the “Ringelsetter Wetland” which, with my understanding, will ultimately be donated to WDNR.

With a significant portion of the Ringsletter Wetland location within the Lower Wisconsin Waterway, it certainly will support waterfowl and waterfowling.  Check out this link, which provides ample information about the property, including opportunities for engagement.