For Immediate Release: For More Information:
October 11, 2022 Bruce Ross: (262)224-4949

A new multi-use disabled accessible blind is now available for hunters at the Jackson Marsh Wildlife Area in Washington County thanks to work of the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association (WWA).
Thanks to generous support from Drexel Building Supply, Adaptive Sportsmen, and Russell Parson, volunteers with the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association planned, constructed, and installed a new multi-use disabled accessible blind that can be used for waterfowl, deer, and turkey hunting on the property. This will allow hunters that have mobility issues to participate in our state’s fall and spring hunting seasons and pursue multiple types of game.
The large blind can hold several hunters and features an 80-foot board walk to allow easy access via wheelchair or other mobility device.
The blind is located on the west side of the Jackson Marsh Wildlife Area overlooking a pond that typically holds waterfowl in the fall. It’s also adjacent to woodlands and fields which allows prime opportunities for deer and turkey hunting. Blind use is on a first come, first serve basis.
From the Maple Rd parking area, users with a Mobility Device Access Application and Permit (MDA) can access the blind via the DNR’s limited access road and turn around. Persons desiring to use the limited access road can receive an MDA permit from the DNR by calling 608-267-0866. The boardwalk to the blind is located northwest of the small parking area at the end of this route.
Working with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, planning for the multi-use handicapped blind began in the Spring of 2022. Once a suitable location was approved, volunteers began constructing the blind in August. WWA volunteers spent hundreds of hours clearing the site, laying and leveling the boardwalk, and assembling the blind to help create an easily accessible and comfortable hunting opportunity to individuals with mobility challenges.
The blind was ready for use by hunters for opening day of the Southern Zone waterfowl season on Saturday, October 1st.
Volunteers with the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association will maintain the blind to ensure its longevity and continued availability.
The Jackson Marsh Wildlife Area is a 2,600-acre property located in eastern Washington County, northeast of the Village of Jackson. The property is comprised mostly of forested wetland. The nearly 600-acre Jackson Marsh State Natural Area forms the core of the property and includes remnant white cedar swamp and southern swamp hardwood communities.

The Wisconsin Waterfowl Association is a 7,000-member non-profit conservation organization that is dedicated to the conservation of Wisconsin’s waterfowl and wetland resources. Since 1984, WWA has worked to restore critical habitat in Wisconsin, educate the next generation of waterfowl hunters, and advocate for policies that protect Wisconsin’s resources and the rights of citizens to hunt and fish.