2022 Ozaukee Shoot Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone that came out to support the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association at our 8th Annual Ozaukee Shoot at Ozaukee County Fish & Game Association on Sunday, July 10th. Raffle winners are posted, below:

Weatherby O/U                           Dustin Habermann

Grand Door Prize                       #67 Ashley Kinhner

Booze Basket                             #196 Sandi Wimbish


-Binoculars                                 Pete Nelson

-Rangefinder                               #104 Bill

-Scope                                           #2 Richard Trgovec

(2) Bacon Raffles                         Dennis Guttmann

Matt Albright

Buffalo Trace & Barrel                #2 Richard Trgovec


Bucket Raffle Winners

1) Kwik Trip Card                         #209 Sandi Schroeder

2) Peet Dryer                               #60 Brian Schrap

3) Hoppe’s Gun Vise                   #114 David Barson

4) Youth Layout Blind                  #20 Kevin Banaszek

5) Piggly Wiggly Card                 #198 Mary Bath

6) Zoellich Eagle Print                 #211 Keith Denbique

7) Wood Duck Box Kit                 #21 Sam Banaszek

8) Kwik Trip Card                         #158 Jim Braun

9) Dog Platform                          #171 Scott Rishel

10) Plano Case & Ammo Box     #28 Joseph Timmermann

11) Fromm Dog Food                 #149 Jim Fritzpatrick

12) Piggly Wiggly Card               #202 Jueven Vanderboom

13) Snap-On Light                      #196 Sandi Wimbish

14) Winchester Shells                 #171 Scott Rishel

15) Schwias Cert. grill Tools        #204 Tom Ellis

16) Kwik Trip Card                       #146 Steve Seibert

17) Beer, Cooler, Mugs & Cert.   #15 Tony Nienas

18) Estee Lauder Package           #168 Gene Stevens

19) Snap-On Wrench Sey           #102 Nate Kallas

20) Adventure Bound Hunt        #147 Paul Pavlaski

21) Carved Decoy                       # 45 Jeff Bsyor

22) Cedar Valley 5 Bird Hunt      #186 Ralph Kieselhorst

23) OF&G 50 Bird Clay Cert.       #72 Jim Thomes

24) Lori’s Pride Fishing Charter  #105 Jeff Hernbrode


Weatherby Orion O/U 12ga Raffle Drawn

On Sunday, July 10, 2022 at the Ozaukee Shoot at the Ozaukee County Fish & Game Association in Fredonia, WI, WWA’s Cedar Creek Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: Weatherby Orion O/U 12ga 

and the lucky winner was: Dustin Habermann with ticket #00190!

Congratulations Dustin and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

Midland Wings 4-Prize Father’s Day Raffle Drawn

On Sunday, June 19, 2022 at Jug’s Hitching Post in West Bend, WI, WWA’s Midland Wings Chapter drew their 4-Prize Class A Raffle and the winners were:

1st Prize 5-Hour Salmon charter for five people: Christopher Johnson with ticket #00043

2nd Prize Radical Firearms Model RF-15 556: Dave Steger with ticket #00328

3rd Prize Weatherby Element Syn 12ga: Heath Heise with ticket #00177 and

4th Prize Weatherby Element Syn 20ga: Mike Alaimo with ticket #00094!

Congratulations Christopher, Dave, Heath and Mike, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

Chilton Chapter’s AK-47 Raffle Drawn

On Saturday, June 18, 2022 at the Marsh Inn in Reedsville, WI, WWA’s Chilton Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: AK-47 and the lucky winner was: DJ Mathe with ticket #00031!

Congratulations, DJ, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

TriStar Viper G2 Sporting Red 12ga Semi-Auto Shotgun Raffle Drawn

On Thursday, June 16, 2022 at the Bash on Bass Bay at Aud Mar Banquet Hall in Muskego, WI, WWA’s West Allis Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: TriStar Viper G2 Sporting Red 12ga Semi-Auto Shotgun  

and the lucky winner was: Lori Schopf with ticket #00190!

Congratulations, Lori, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

Great Lakes Firearms 223 Wylde Bronze Semi-Auto Rife Raffle Drawn

On Thursday, June 16, 2022 at the Bash on Bass Bay at Aud Mar Banquet Hall in Muskego, WI, WWA’s West Allis Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: Great Lakes Firearms 223 Wylde Bronze Semi-auto Rifle  

and the lucky winner was: Dan Everson with ticket #00067!

Congratulations, Dan, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

2022 Valley Shoot Bucket Raffle Winners

Thank you to everyone that came out to support the Wisconsin Waterfowl Association at our 2nd Annual Valley Shoot at Twin City Rod & Gun Club on Saturday, May 21st. Raffle winners are posted, below:

Springfield Hellcat OSP 9mm Pistol Raffle Drawn

On Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at WWA’s Southeast Wisconsin Golf Outing Scramble at Ironwood Golf Course in Sussex, WI, WWA’s Waukesha Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: Springfield Hellcat OSP Optics Ready 9mm Pistol

and the lucky winner was: Scott Feigenbaum with ticket #00014!

Congratulations, Scott, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

Valley Chapter CZ Sporter 12ga Raffle Drawn

On Saturday, May 21, 2022 at Twin City Rod & Gun Club in Neenah, WI, WWA’s Valley Chapter drew their Class A Raffle with the Grand Prize: CZ Sporter Standard Grade G2 12ga 30″ Barrels, Turkish Walnut

and the lucky winner was: Brad Miller with ticket #0056!

Congratulations, Brad, and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.

Kimber Micro9 Hero Raffle Drawn

On Thursday, April 21, 2022 at the Golden Mast in Okauchee, WI, WWA’s Waukesha Chapter drew their Class A  Raffle with the Grand Prize: Kimber Micro9 Hero 

and the lucky winner was: Jason Thomas with ticket #00145!

Congratulations, Fred and THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tickets for this raffle to support our mission.