Your WWA is at the forefront with providing input to State Regulators when it comes to Waterfowl regulations in Wisconsin. Executive Director Don Kirby provided input at an ad-hoc advisory group chaired by WDNR, and President Bruce Urben is serving on the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation’s Waterfowl Committee. The Waterfowl Committee met on Saturday, February 13th and several important decisions were forwarded on to the state regulators from this meeting.
Bag Limits, Ducks: Daily bag limits will be similar to 2015. 6 ducks with 4 mallards (no more than 1 hen), 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, 2 canvasback, 2 pintails or 1 black duck.
Bag Limits, Geese: Daily bag limits will be similar to 2015. 5 geese during the early season, 2 per day during the regular season in Exterior and 12 total in Horicon zone.
- North Zone: Earliest start of September 24 running full 60 days to November 21st. No split
- South Zone: October 1-9th, October 15-December 4th with 5 day split.
- Mississippi Zone: October 1-7th, October 15-December 6th with 7 day split.
- Season Opening: 1/2 hour before Sunrise (except early teal by Federal law)
- Season Dates: Early Teal – 3rd year of Experimental Season-September 1-7th
- Early Season September 1-15 Statewide
- North Zone-September 16th -December 16th. No split
- South Zone- September 16-October 9th, October 15-December 21st with 5 day split.
Zones: No approved changes in zones or zone lines for 2016 from the Committee.
Youth Hunt: September 17th-18th
These resolutions were provided to WDNR as input to their final season setting decision process.
Finals season setting will be completed on Wednesday April 13th at the WDNR Board meeting.