Wanted: Wood Duck Box Patron

By Bruce Ross, Executive Director bross@wisducks.org

This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s February, 2022 Newsletter edition.

We are beginning to better appreciate Erich Pitz’ role in keeping the WWA wood duck program on track – he had his fingers in every aspect of this successful program.  With Hall of Famer Eric’s all-too-recent passing, we are now reconstituting that program with new players that include Erich’s family and son Isaiah, and other members of the Habitat Committee. With only about 100 boxes or kits now in inventory, we will almost certainly run out before nesting season.

It’s time (maybe a bit past time) to re-supply our wood duck box inventory.  And first we must acquire the wood needed to make the boxes, before sending it off to the Blackwell School that actually constructs the kits.  And with today’s high demand for construction wood and supply-chain-impacted pricing, a truckload of wood costs more than ever before – about $4,000 for the rough-cut pine lumber we use.  Volunteer Bart Tegen (Rhinelander) has started an initiative to deal directly with the state’s sawmills—check out his flyer, below.    Know a sawyer who might be interested?  Or a financial donor who would like to associate their name with this program?  Let Bart know at bart.tegen@ponsse.com.