Project: Jackson Marsh Wildlife Area & Rome Pond Wildlife Area
County: Washington and Jefferson
Mike Alaimo, WWA’s lead AWA volunteer recently shared this exciting update. This is the first documented proof of a Black Tern hatch on multiple artificial platforms after three years of attempts at WWA’s adopted Rome Pond Wildlife Area. It is our hope we can now expand this success with this concept. Learn more about WWA’s Endangered Black Tern Nesting Project here.
WWA volunteer Mike Depies reported on the projects his crew has been working on over at WWA’s adopted Jackson Marsh Wildlife Area. Mike, along with fellow volunteers Dennis Guttman, and Jim Freck, cleared a log jam at a bridge on Cedar Creek which had been building for a few years. Once water levels dropped to levels were the project could be completed, and with the help of Dennis’s UTV and winch, they were able to clear all the branches and limbs that had been accumulating.

Jim Freck, in the water, gets some help from Dennis Guttman, above, and his UTV to clear the log jam on Cedar Creek
The group has also replaced all of the old yellow “Public Hunting Grounds” signs with the state’s new white “State Wildlife Area” signs at Jackson Marsh.
With the COVID-19 restrictions keeping DNR employees from being allowed out on the state land, the group also replaced the out of season 2:00 pm closing for pheasant hunting signage with the current 12:00 pm closing (for the first two weeks of the season) that starts this fall over at Jackson, Allenton, and Theresa Marsh.
Mike was also excited to report that WWA’s Adopt A Wildlife Area contract has now been renewed at the Jackson Marsh for another three years.