
The Voice of Wisconsin waterfowlers

Wisconsin’s Aldo Leopold came to his “land ethic” philosophy though his hunting roots.  Today’s hunter-conservationists embrace this land ethic through their financial and voluntary support of conservation efforts.  

But with fewer hunters today, policy makers need reminding that hunters have consistently put their money and energy where their conservation heart is.

WWA is the voice of state waterfowlers for conservation, wetlands and hunting policies, from legislation or regulation.

Waterfowl Management policy: WWA sits on the WDNR’s waterfowl public policy committees to ensure our collective voice is respected when establishing waterfowl seasons and prioritizing the use of waterfowler-generated funding.

State hunting and conservation issues: WWA is a leader in other policy issues connected to waterfowling, such as state conservation funding, wetland regulations, DNR management, and hunting rights topics.   As a registered lobbyist, WWA’s executive director works in Madison with volunteers and other organizations to elevate WWA member interests.

Local conservation decisions can also impact waterfowlers. WWA selectively engages local policy makers on topics that matter to members across the state.

WI State Capitol Image
Photo courtesy Patrick McCutcheon

Hunters are less than 10% of Wisconsin’s population. 

But they shoulder a lion’s share of conservation funding.

  • This commitment to conservation should be respected by policy makers in Madison or local communities
  • WWA is the waterfowl hunter’s voice for state wetland protection and hunting issues.

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