This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s October, 2024 Newsletter edition.
I’m excited to share more updates from the NRCS Project at WWA’s Abrams property, located in southern Oconto County. In our August newsletter we reported that the habitat site on the south end of the Abrams property had been mowed and chemically treated in preparation of a spring 2025 prairie planting. Permits were submitted for construction of two additional scrapes on the property, which would need to be completed prior to the prairie planting.
Hot off the presses – the permit application for construction of the two scrapes has been approved and now submitted to our contractor to get listed on his construction calendar. Additionally, the woody underbrush has been ground and cleared from the project site and the boundaries for the scrapes will be staked soon.
WWA has also selected a forester to complete a forestry plan on the entire 120+ acre parcel, which we hope will be completed by late fall or early winter. The next step, once the plan is received, is to move forward with an NRCS contract to implement cutting proposed from the plan. The plan will consider wildlife cuttings, plantings and ecosystem improvements to serve all wildlife utilizing the property.
Stop out at our Oak Orchard drive entry to see the work in progress first-hand. The prairie planting in 2025 will focus on pollinators.
WWA plans to complete additional planting on the Hwy 41 side as well as the Oak Orchard side. Volunteer help will certainly be needed and gladly accepted. If you are interested in volunteering, please call our project manager, Jesse Nickel at 920-621-6999 or message him at
And if you head out to the property, our Green Bay Chapter volunteers were recently out at Abrams to complete cleaning out and brushing of the three disabled duck blinds on the marsh and cleaning up the disabled deer blinds on both the Hwy 41 side and on Oak Orchard access. The duck blinds are ready for the South opener and for the archery deer hunters.
Some reminders for site users:
- Be sure to remove any garbage from the blinds after use.
- There is an aluminum boat located between the second and third blinds. Please use at your own risk. PFD’s are not provided, you will need to provide your own if you utilize the boat for retrievals.
- While the blinds are disabled accessible, able bodied hunters are certainly able to use the blinds, but please give preference to any disabled hunter you encounter.
While brushing we were able to confirm that ducks and geese were using the marsh, but were a little wary of settling in with brush saws and activity around the blinds.
A big thank you to GreenBay Chapter volunteers for finishing up the cleanup under the headlights: Jeremy VanSistine, Logan Sincoular, Ken McNamer, Bruce and Bryan Urben. Thank you and have a good hunt!