WWA’s Duck ID sign panel program:
Another area where WWA is able to provide community service, through our local chapter volunteers, is through our Duck Identification sign panel program.

Duck ID panels at Abrams Project viewing platform…
These consist of two panels, one featuring the diving duck species, the other the dabbling duck species, which when combined together, give a fairly comprehensive view of what the duck species typically found in Wisconsin look like. This is valuable information, both for those who might be viewing ducks at a public access point, but especially for those who are hunting ducks, as different regulations are in place for different species, and being able to identify which ducks are which is a critical skill for any waterfowl hunter.
These beautiful and informative pieces were made available to us by our former state-board member, and current DNR biologist, Brenda Kelly. They are each 3′ wide and 4′ high, making a final project with both panels featured, about six feet wide and four feet tall. We are able to have these panels sourced through our Badger State Industries vendor for approximately $200 for the pair, not inclusive of any mounting system, with a minimum of 45 days lead-time for production and pick-up.
How to get these for your area:
We most often work with our local volunteer chapter teams to get these panels placed at boat launches, public viewing platforms, or other public access sites where they’ll have an opportunity to be seen, and provide information. However, we are interested in assisting any local contacts in working to get these placed where they can be helpful. Local challenges can include: signing ordinances, ownership of the land at access points (permission for installations), and others. We welcome your inquiry if you’d like to learn more about this program, or donate to “pay it forward” for the next set of signs to be installed. Contact us at info@wisducks.org.