An article from WWA’s Words From The Wardens.
This article originally appeared in Wisconsin Waterfowl Association’s September 2019 eNewsletter.
By WDNR Lt. Tyler Strelow and Migratory Game Bird Ecologist Taylor Finger
Summer’s shortening days signal to waterfowl hunters that the time is ripe to prepare for the fast-approaching seasons and to get current on season dates and bag limit changes.
As always, it is important that you get out and scout before and during the season. Studies in Wisconsin have shown hunters who scout 3 or more times a year on average harvest 3 times as many birds as hunters that do not scout. So, get going!
The 2019 Migratory bird seasons are underway. We have a couple changes this year related to season dates and bag limits so please be sure to review the regulations detailed below. They also are online and in the booklet;
To increase opportunity and provide hunting days throughout the fall months, we do have a variety of seasons and season splits. Please take additional time to ensure the season is open in the area you’re planning to hunt.
The Early Season hunting opportunities are as follows:
Early Teal Season: Sept. 1 – Sept. 9
- Shooting hours: Sunrise to sunset
- Bag Limit – 6 teal/day
Early Goose Season: Sept. 1 – Sept. 15
- Shooting hours: ½ hour before sunrise to sunset
- Canada goose bag limit = 5/day
- Snow/Blue/Ross’ goose – 20/day
Mourning Dove Season: Sept. 1 – Nov. 29
- Bag Limit – 15 dove/day
Regular Season hunting opportunities are as follows:
Regular Duck Season:
- 60-day season
- Bag Limit: 6 ducks, no more than 4 mallards -only 1 may be a hen, 3 wood ducks, 2 black duck, 2 redheads, 3 scaup, 1 pintail, and 2 canvasback. 5 mergansers, not more than 2 hooded. 15 Coot per day.
- North Zone: Sept. 28 – Nov. 26
- South Zone: Sept. 28 – Oct. 6 & Oct. 12 – Dec. 1 (5-day split)
- Miss River Zone: Sept. 28 – Oct. 4 & Oct. 12 – Dec. 3 (7-day split)
Regular Goose Season
- 92-day season
- Canada Goose Bag Limit – 3 geese/day
- Snow/Blue/Ross’ goose – 20/day
- North Zone: Sept 16 – Dec. 16
- South Zone: Sept. 16–Oct. 6 and Oct. 12–Dec. 1 and Dec. 1–Jan. 4
- Mississippi Subzone: Sept. 28 – Oct. 4, Oct. 12 – Jan. 4 (7-day split)
Enjoy your hunts!