Wisconsin Decoy Heritage

Your one-stop-shop for Wisconsin carvers!  

There is no better source of information for Wisconsin carvers of working decoys.  Scroll through the posts below, or google the name of the artist you wish to find.


C. V. Wells Life Like Decoys

Decoy Corner
Life Like Decoys were the creation of Clare V. Wells and his wife, Hazel. Clare was injured in an industrial accident in the late 1930’s and turned his interest in…
Homme Mallard Drake

Ferdinand Homme

Decoy Corner
A Stoughton, Wisconsin Carver Ferdinand (Ferd) Homme was born in 1900 to his father, T.O Homme, and his mother, Della Mandt. He was raised and lived his entire life in…
Pat Gregory Decoy

Patrick J. Gregory

Decoy Corner
Illinois River Carver with Tradition Pat Gregory hunting with a bull canvasback I am changing it up a little this month and highlighting a carver from Illinois, our close southern…
Lou Schifferl carved duck

Lou Schifferl

Decoy Corner
A Wisconsin Lifetime Artist and Decoy Carver Lou Schifferl Merganser Wisconsin has a treasure trove of vintage carvers whose decoys have been tools of the trade in our rivers, lakes…
Herman Wendt Bluewing Teal

Herman Wendt

Decoy Corner
Sheboygan Decoy Carver Wendt Hooded Mergansers Herman Wendt was born in 1888 and grew up in the family home on North 10th Street in Sheboygan, WI. He was the oldest…

Rudy A. Knuth

Decoy Corner
A Wisconsin, Michigan Carver Wisconsin has been blessed to have had many exceptionally talented decoy carvers. The majority started carving in the 1900’s, when waterfowling was not just a sport,…
George H. Bacon Goldeneye Hen

George H. Bacon

Decoy Corner
Vermont Decoy Carver George H. Bacon Goldeneyes Many of my previous Decoy Corner articles have focused on Wisconsin decoy carvers. As you have seen, there are many, many excellent decoy…

Geoff Vine

Decoy Corner
Contemporary Decoy Carver from Wisconsin Many of my past Decoy Corner articles have focused on our vintage decoy carvers from Wisconsin. Most have plied their trade since the early 1900’s…
A Joe Roesling Canvasback show if its signature “snaky” head

Joe Roesling

Decoy Corner
Wisconsin Decoy Carver who migrated to California Joe Carolus Roesling was born in 1862 during the civil war in Janesville, WI, a few years after his parents emigrated from Bavaria.…
Bill Porter decoy

William T. “Bill” Porter

Decoy Corner
A Contemporary Wisconsin Decoy Carver who migrated to California William T. Porter was born in Marinette, WI in 1992 to his father George Porter and mother Kathy Kapla. Bill had…
Charles Brisky Widgeon

Charlie Brisky II

Decoy Corner
Master Carver from Berlin, WI Charles Brisky II, photo courtesy Wisconsin Sporting Collectibles Charles W. Brisky was born in July, 1951 in Berlin, WI, the son of Florian (Bill) Brisky…